bx no relation to swiss AG

as you might ve noticed, we have been evaluating how and where to present inkrealm…in these napoleon-adolf-letsgobrandon days…in case context was needed; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMiSQAGOS4

yet we are apolitical, just saying it as it seems to be…funny to speak of invasion when the country is half soviet…

  • i know the democrats poured billions into kiev and think themselves the owner, but the real mystery is how the press appears so eager to engage in war baiting…meanwhile the taliban can invade women’s rights all night long!

the point is, thanks to some russians, i found “tilda” and it has become a leading favorite; http://inkrealm.tilda.ws/x and


(which we plan to plant as  burroughs tribute…)

ps, if like me you were looking to see the anna sorokin story on netflix, lookout for a mountain of filler stories from characters not as interesting, yeah julia garner is married but it was this script that really screwed her…hopefully it is not indicative of the entire series. the real julia garner i mean ann sorokin wrote her own article gleefully free of fugly pregnant women:
