
I had the inclination to contrast what is commonly known as the chernobyl disaster to what is being termed the russo ukrainian conflict…

in other words, it proves the current weirdness as contrary to any logic other than impulse…

the quick research showed for example how one nation gave 20 million and we must establish the amount in correct terms given inflation but even so it was a zero short of their own contribution of 200 million for matters relating to 1945…

several scientific and investigative entities were established in contrast to now where so many have become experts in simply blaming russia and celebrating each and any z-setback…

now there is no investigation, indeed, only donations – historic amounts, nasa-dollars, expanding universe money, well you would need a calculator perhaps two and maybe someone should question this process since it has set the bar so high that any future special military operation might be left without protest funds – or is it a tax write off party, something only the higher ups are privy to, yes must be, no worries to print up a billion or two with the cotton linen machines…

i am grateful the war on drugs never saw this type of fanaticism…

add it up, if you are so determined at the link below;

ps, as with narcotics and legalization, putin should be allowed to explore all options on the basis of respect because, unless he and the kremlin have gone bonkers, nobody should doubt his knowledge and wisdom…to make it sound illegal or like a war is akin to an insult against intelligence not to mention the inherent provokation of such a labyrinth.


yes i think it looks nicer with the c instead of k, perahps i will petition for tge alternate spelling…where is the dictionary embassy?

annex ps, i got up dreaming of jessica and the number 818, a mean ass woman wanted me to be more aggressive and i left the bed still dazed but as i poured champagne and purchased suku thinking of z, the girl not the symbol, i thought if i were writing this kiev thing as fiction the only practical premise for such an outpouring of effort in media and money is a cover-up…the porked up sign with mother russia colors read ‘good russian = dead russian…’ they get extreme to distract from the possible fact that ukraine has some damn juicy evidence of either an american or english naughty jam session circa 2014 and these empires will basically go full tilt to keep that data away from the mob rule woke label reactive public. oh but of course if it were a screenplay i would need a soundtrack…the theme for z, symbol not girl…hmm, positively prima/smith ‘gigolo’.