Friday The Thirteenth Anti(jinx)Dote

You’re not safe on your own.

You think she’s..?

Is she Keyser Soze I don’t know,
Inky. It seems to me that Keyser
Soze is a shield. Like you said, a
spook story, but I know women – and
someone out there is pulling strings
for you. Stay here and let us protect

I’m not bait. No way. I post today.

You posted twenty minutes ago. Captain
Cage wants you out of here a.s.a.p.,
unless you turn state’s.

I’ll take my chances, thank you.
It’s tougher to buy the SD-
Than it is to stream a torrent.

Where are you going to go, Inky?
You gonna run? Turn states evidence.
You might never see trial. If somebody
wants to get you, you know they’ll
get you out there.

Maybe so, but I’m no rat, Agent Jack.
You tricked me, that’s all. I won’t
keep my mouth shut ’cause I’m scared.
I’ll keep it shut ’cause I let Hellbender
down by getting caught – Ladybird
too. And if they kill me, it’s because They’ll hear I dropped dime. They’ll probably hear it from you.

Inky stands, mustering his shattered dignity and walks
towards the door. Cage opens it for him from outside.
For once Jack cannot bring himself to look at Inky.
Inky turns to the door, stopping to look Cage in the eye.

Inky (CONT’D)
Fuckin’ sailors!
